The Gospel of Matthew, one of the four canonical gospels in the New Testament, portrays Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies and the Jewish Messiah. Written by Matthew, also known as Levi, a tax collector turned disciple of Jesus. The gospel begins with a genealogy tracing Jesus's lineage to King David and Abraham, emphasizing his rightful claim to the throne of Israel. It recounts Jesus's birth, ministry, teachings, miracles, and his death and resurrection.
Matthew highlights Jesus's teachings on morality, emphasizing love, forgiveness, and righteousness. The Sermon on the Mount, recorded in chapters 5 to 7, encapsulates many of these teachings, including the Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer. Throughout the gospel, Jesus engages in debates with religious leaders, demonstrating his authority and challenging traditional interpretations of the law.
The narrative culminates in Jesus's crucifixion, burial, and resurrection, validating his identity as the Son of God and Savior of humanity. The Great Commission, found in the final verses, instructs Jesus's disciples to spread his teachings to all nations, baptizing and making disciples of them.
Matthew's Gospel serves as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments, presenting Jesus as the fulfillment of Jewish prophecy and the embodiment of God's promises to his people. It remains a foundational text for Christians worldwide, providing insight into Jesus's life, teachings, and significance for humanity's salvation.
Matthew 1:1-17 traces Jesus' genealogy from Abraham to Joseph. It highlights key figures like David, emphasizing Jesus' royal lineage.
Matthew 1:18-25 narrates the miraculous virgin birth. Mary conceives by the Holy Spirit, and Joseph, guided by an angel, accepts his role as Jesus' earthly father.
In Matthew 27, Jesus is handed over to Pontius Pilate, who condemns Him despite finding no fault. He is mocked, beaten, and crucified by Roman soldiers at Golgotha, the place of the skull. On the cross, bystanders taunt Him, yet He forgives them. Darkness covers the land, and at His death, the temple veil tears. Joseph of Arimathea buries Jesus in a tomb near Golgotha. The chief priests and Pharisees secure the tomb with guards to prevent theft.